Sunday, July 11, 2010


Yesterday I had rehearsals from 11am until 4.30pm.  I haven’t sung for that long in quite some time and it was absolutely fabulous.  I love being creative, being part of a team and making something new and beautiful. When you actually get to do it, it makes all the struggle and strife of a career in theatre fade into insignificance. What’s interesting is how my body is coping with my different shape. Singing is always a bit of an ab workout, but now that my abs are somewhat distended (arguably constantly working out) it was the very top of my stomach, just under my breasts where I really felt it. Today I feel like I went through one of those exhausting crying fits my mother had to endure in me as a child. I don’t know if it’s the Scorpio or the redhead in me, but I can be very passionate about things, to a level that on all honesty, far outweighs the circumstance. And yes, I have acknowledged that as our child is due right in Scorpio time and there is a reasonably high probability it will have red hair, I could be in for a dose of my own medicine…
Attached is a flyer for one of the shows I’m doing. The second is my own show, for two nights only on the 27th and 28th of August. So if you’re in Sydney, keep the dates free, I’d love to see you there. Details and flyer to come…

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