Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Not that I'm complaining, but I've accidentally had a bit of work of late. A couple of commercials to shoot, a writing gig in the pipeline and interest from a publishing house about a book I've written...which would be excellent if I hadn't lied and told them I'd actually finished the book.
So, while my husband has a day or two off and that is followed by the weekend where I can trust in the benevolence of my parents, I am handing little Miss Q off in between feeds so I can knock out 25 000 words over the next four days.
If only I didn't like incy wincy spider and tummy time as much as she does...
This is why I've been a little absent in the blogging of late, but I shall return just as soon as my little typing fingers will allow.
Wish me luck...I'll speak to you soon!

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